Historical Token Values per Protocol

The defillama.tvl.historical_agg_token_values shows daily historical token values of protocols.


Column Name


The full name of the DeFi protocol


Unique identifier for the protocol in DefiLlama's system


URL-friendly version of the protocol name used in DefiLlama's URLs


The USD token value held by the protocol on this date


The unique identifier of the token on CoinGecko


Deprecated column; see section below for more details


The record timestamp from DefiLlama


The nearest date of actual_timestamp above


The contract address of the token on Ethereum network (if applicable)


The contract address of the token on Polygon network (if applicable)


The token address on Solana network (if applicable)

Caveat on Time Columns

For most cases, you should use the nearest_date column. Here is why:

The data returned from DefiLlama has daily timestamps with time 00:00:00, except for the latest record which corresponds to the latest data available in DefiLlama. For example, if we scrape the data corresponding to the protocol at 4 Mar 03:00, we may get records with the timestamps:

  • 1 Mar 00:00

  • 2 Mar 00:00

  • 3 Mar 00:00

  • 3 Mar 23:00 (assuming data in DefiLlama corresponding to this protocol has freshness of 4 hours) The timestamps above are stored in the actual_timestamp column.

The deprecated date column truncates the times from the timestamp column above. In this case, it will store dates 1 Mar, 2 Mar, 3 Mar, and another 3 Mar. This is likely undesirable for you.

The nearest_date column instead rounds the time to the nearest date. In this case, it will store dates 1 Mar, 2 Mar, 3 Mar, and 4 Mar, ensuring that each date contains a data even when we fetch a slightly late data.

Last updated

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