Liquidity Pools

Liquidity Pool Events tables are organised at the protocol level.

This is due to the variations in pool design across protocols.

  • For example, Uniswap v3 LPs introduced concentrated liquidity and price ticks which is absent in v2

  • Balancer can allow users to create pools with more than 2 tokens, meaning users can simultaneously provide LP for > 2 tokens.

Protocol-specific tables will retain these metrics that will otherwise be dropped if this was aggregated into a single table.

The liquidity pool table contains pool creation events across various indexed protocols. Currently, the following protocols and projects are supported.



uniswap, bitberryswap, cityswap, convergence, defiswap, dooar, equalizerfinance, fraxswap, gemswap, integralsize, linkswap, luaswap, mintyswap, nomiswap, orionprotocol, pancakeswap, plasmafinance, radioshackswap, safeswap, saitaswap, sakeswap, sashimiswap, shibaswap, sumswap, sushiswap, swapr, swipeswap, unicly, verse, vulcandex, wallstreetbetsdex, whiteswap


kyberswap, uniswap


uniswap (coming soon)

Last updated

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