ERC1155 Token Transfers
Get ERC1155 token transfers. Includes minting and burning transfers from and to null addresses.
Query ERC1155 token transfers by token/sender/recipient address and token_id.
select * from ethereum.erc1155_token_transfers
where token_address = '0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e' -- OS StoreFront
limit 10
Coming Soon
Table Columns
Partitioned table "evm.erc1155_token_transfers"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Compression | Stats target | Description
event_type | character varying | | | | extended | | |
token_address | character varying(42) | | | | extended | | |
token_id | numeric(512,0) | | | | main | | |
from_address | character varying(42) | | | | extended | | |
to_address | character varying(42) | | | | extended | | |
amount | numeric(512,0) | | | | main | | |
operator | character varying(42) | | | | extended | | |
array_index | numeric(512,0) | | | | main | | |
transaction_hash | character varying(66) | | | | extended | | |
log_index | numeric(38,0) | | | | main | | |
block_timestamp | timestamp without time zone | | | | plain | | |
block_number | numeric(38,0) | | | | main | | |
block_hash | character varying(66) | | | | extended | | |
_created_at | timestamp without time zone | | | | plain | | |
_updated_at | timestamp without time zone | | | | plain | | |
transaction_index | bigint | | | | plain | | |
Partition key: RANGE (block_timestamp)
"erc1155_token_transfers_block_number_index" btree (block_number, block_timestamp DESC)
"erc1155_token_transfers_block_timestamp_index" btree (block_timestamp DESC)
"erc1155_token_transfers_from_address_block_timestamp_index" btree (from_address, block_timestamp DESC)
"erc1155_token_transfers_to_address_block_timestamp_index" btree (to_address, block_timestamp DESC)
"erc1155_token_transfers_token_address_block_timestamp_index" btree (token_address, block_timestamp DESC)
"erc1155_token_transfers_unique_not_null" UNIQUE, btree (transaction_hash, log_index, array_index, block_timestamp) WHERE array_index IS NOT NULL
"erc1155_token_transfers_unique_null" UNIQUE, btree (transaction_hash, log_index, block_timestamp) WHERE array_index IS NULL | | | plain | | |
Last updated
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