ERC721 Balances Latest
Historical ERC721 balances of all addresses at every block height.
Note that we don't have USD prices for NFT balances yet
The ERC721 balances latest table contains the current ERC721 balances of all addresses.
Sample Query
Getting the ERC721 latest balance of an NFT from an address.
Currently, the USD exchange rates of ERC721 tokens are not available.
Table Columns
Column Name | Description | Example |
address | Address of the account. | 0x22b2d8bfe3991fd5344d4ab11ea9435d65edd386 |
token_address | Addres of the token. | 0xb9e6ff06179fa9604d8102fb3aa428e64b981c3f |
token_name | Name of the token. | Chain Colosseum Phoenix Gen3 |
token_symbol | Symbol of the token. | Gen3Book |
token_id | Token ID of the ERC721 token. | 2091 |
raw_balance | Balance of tokens (unnormalized). For ERC721 tokens, there are no decimals division involved. | 1 |
raw_balance_str | Balance of tokens (unnormalized) in string. For ERC721 tokens, there are no decimals division involved. | 1 |
balance_str | Balance of tokens in string. For ERC721 tokens, the max balance is 1. | 1 |
balance | Balance of tokens. For ERC721 tokens, the max balance is 1. | 1 |
transaction_hash | Transaction hash that resulted in this balance. | 0x0f75fa7c5e9bfae661f20b744a66bd6203501de198b6d4041b6267a280f4ee78 |
last_activity_block_timestamp | Timestamp of the last activity that resulted in this balance. | 2024-01-23 16:00:46+00:00 |
last_activity_block_number | Block number of the last activity that resulted in this balance. | 2767126 |
last_activity_block_hash | Block hash of the last activity that resulted in this balance. | 0xda2875ccfe8815303dc7b7162c54e53b7fdae17eff79a1fea0f879188685a52b |
unique_id | Unique ID of the balance. | block-2767126_address-0x22b2d8bfe3991fd5344d4ab11ea9435d65edd386_token_address-0xb9e6ff06179fa9604d8102fb3aa428e64b981c3f_token_id-2091_erc721 |
_updated_at | Timestamp of the balance update. | 2024-02-19 03:37:13.651000+00:00 |
Last updated