TVL (Total Value Locked)
This table contains TVL information for various dex pools.
currently includes the following dex/protocols
Project | Protocol |
meteora | meteora-dlmm |
orca | orca-whirlpool |
phoenix | phoenix |
The data tracks changes to a pool's TVL at the transaction level, not instruction level
Table Columns
Column Name | Description | Examples |
project | The dex project | phoenix |
protocol | The protocol used by the dex project | phoenix |
pool | The liquidity pool address | FicF181nDsEcasznMTPp9aLa5Rbpdtd11GtSEa1UUWzx |
pool_token_0 | Token0's mint address | DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263 |
pool_token_1 | Token1's mint address | So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112 |
mint | Mint address of the tvl statistic in this record. this is either token0_address or token1_address | DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263 |
symbol | Mint symbol of the tvl statistic in this record | Bonk |
decimals | Mint decimals of the tvl statistic in this record | 5 |
raw_amount | raw_amount Raw amount of | 1336404100000000 |
amount | Normalized amount of | 13364041000.0 |
usd_amount | USD amount of the | 4305.641747889275 |
usd_exchange_rate | USD exchange rate per token | 3.2218112382226585e-07 |
block_slot | Block slot of the txn | 211671832 |
block_height | Block height of the txn | 194094461 |
block_timestamp | Block timestamp of the txn | 2023-08-15 23:46:04+00:00 |
block_hash | Block hash of the txn | AH4Jqy4rNZSFh1kMcE1A2Rm3YusQsELtmQTS2AxrkE6C |
txn_id | Txn id of the txn | 5wEwd4siUAADLJh7gNHQn3FENAq9buscXQDUaMsc52vdBoRnY8JQ8JHgMraQsFTcM7BbBQyiE6u2jVMngJye6D3L |
txn_index | Txn index of the txn | 2698 |
Last updated