Wallet 360

This table is currently in beta and doesn't cover all of the wallet addresses. Contact us if you want addresses that haven't already been indexed.

The polygon.wallet_features.wallet_360 schema is designed to provide insights into user behavior, customer segments, user acquisition journeys, market share, and potential business partnerships for a protocol/dApp.

Wallet 360 is built on Allium's raw and enriched data verticals.

  • Transaction Activity: transaction counts, days online, funding address, and transaction for a wallet address.

  • Assets Held: Wallet USD balance, assets held, stablecoin balances, native currency balances.

  • DEX Interactions: DEX projects interacted by the wallet, USD volume traded.

  • NFT Marketplace Interactions: NFT marketplace used, total and average USD traded, NFT transactions, and collections traded per marketplace.

  • NFT Acquired and Bluechips: First NFT minted, acquired, and traded, bluechip collections held.

This document outlines the use cases of Wallet 360 schema and the variables included in the table.

Use Cases

  • User Activity: How has user behavior changed on-chain week on week?

  • Customer Segments: What are the user segments based on behavior, origin, net worth, and interests that are gaining traction?

  • User Acquisition: What did users do before their first interaction with our protocol/dApp?

  • Market Share: Are we gaining market share compared to competitors?

  • Business Partnerships: Are there significant overlaps with another project's user base where we can explore potential partnerships?

  • User Recommendations: Are there asset classes our users love, and can we sell them similar tokens or NFTs?

Sample Queries

Using Ethereum Wallet360 as an example, explore what your users are doing on-chain.

For addresses that were tagged as Rainbow wallet, where were they first funded from?

    nvl(entities.project, 'Unknown') as funder,
    nvl(entities.category, 'Unknown') as funder_category,
    count(1) as wallet_count
from ethereum.wallet_features.wallet_360
left join common.identity.entities on first_funding_address = address and chain = 'ethereum'
where array_contains('rainbow_wallet'::variant, app_list)
group by all
order by 1 asc

Expanding to explore other wallet funding source:

Wallet 360 Sample Output

Last updated