Rewards Claimed
This table contains reward claiming transactions
currently includes the following farms/protocols
Project | Protocol | Farm Type |
kamino | kfarm | vault |
meteora | meteora-dlmm | dlmm-farm |
Table Columns
Column Name | Description | Example |
project | The farm project | meteora |
protocol | The protocol used by the farm project | meteora-dlmm |
farm_type | Type of farm. current values are: | dlmm-farm |
farm | The farm identifier. For a dlmm-farm, it is the lb_pair, for a kamino vault, it is the farm state | BrMYU1XWCqMAtBURD8yp3d9gni3uHxomoj5JG9LWr7Mj |
strategy | The strategy of the vault. applicable for vaults | |
claimer | The receiver of the claimed rewards | 8XgvAmUGbyWFb6XLjbUHuWaFhmyu2chLaxrKZe67HMXs |
claimer_token_acc | The token account receving the rewards | GHhzSHZuvvBBNfZk8CEexFxgyVk9o7tS2yS9nPyJTB2d |
mint | The mint being claimed | DezXAZ8z7PnrnRJjz3wXBoRgixCa6xjnB7YaB1pPB263 |
symbol | The symbol of the mint being claimed | Bonk |
decimals | The decimals of the mint being claimed | 5 |
raw_amount | The raw amount claimed | 141766905 |
amount | The normalized amount claimed | 1417.66905 |
usd_amount | The usd amount of the claim | 0.017516826765651538 |
usd_exchange_rate | The usd exchange rate of the token claimed | 1.2356076166071698e-050.017516826765651538z |
signer | The signer of the claim txn | 8XgvAmUGbyWFb6XLjbUHuWaFhmyu2chLaxrKZe67HMXs |
block_slot | Block slot of the txn | 247955288 |
block_height | Block height of the txn | 228675693 |
block_timestamp | Block timestamp of the txn | 2024-02-13 17:51:40+00:00 |
block_hash | Block hash of the txn | 9DdC9kUykhEMkX2BPvpXgSn2DKWJ9zGbcZGspsCqmapB |
txn_id | Txn id of the txn | 5vubqj1XgXLCJxHoL4VviLtyeqNjPxzA3DnXNq18R8mFgQaGhg11oWLibG4fRvqxw87zhug41J1B1UEivJmPjqhB |
txn_index | Txn index of the txn | 221 |
instruction_index | Instruction index of the instruction | 1 |
inner_instruction_index | Inner instruction index of the instruction, within its parent instruction | 0 |
unique_id | Unique id of the record | txn_id-5vubqj1XgXLCJxHoL4VviLtyeqNjPxzA3DnXNq18R8mFgQaGhg11oWLibG4fRvqxw87zhug41J1B1UEivJmPjqhB_i_index-1_ii_index-null |
Last updated