ERC1155 Transfers
The ERC1155 Token Transfers table records all transactions made with tokens that adhere to the ERC1155 standard.
Table Columns
Column Name | Description | Example |
event_type | Type of transfer event for ERC1155 tokens. This can either be a single or batch transfer. | transfer_batch |
operator | Address of the ERC1155 operator. | 0x0d6be9a3e2af3171b965c6df066a7e92d7abb534 |
from_address | Address where the token is being transferred from. | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
to_address | Address where the token is being transferred to. | 0xc324479e3aec1c551271b5ff1fd37dcf7b822674 |
token_address | Token address of the asset transferred. | 0xd9f9bdbb39d2a60c01d1a91c4884833e1c7cd2b8 |
token_name | Token name. | The Musical - Welcome to the night of your lives: Uniter Pass |
token_symbol | Token symbol. | UNITERPASS |
token_id | Unique ID of the ERC token. | 575 |
raw_amount_str | Amount of token moved, unnormalized, in string (to retain precision). | 575 |
raw_amount | Amount of tokens moved, unnormalized. | 575 |
amount_str | Amount of token moved, normalized, in string (to retain precision). | 575 |
amount | Amount of token moved, normalized. | 575 |
transaction_from_address | The address of the sending party of this transaction. | 0x0d6be9a3e2af3171b965c6df066a7e92d7abb534 |
transaction_to_address | The address of the receiving party of this transaction (could be a contract address). | 0xd9f9bdbb39d2a60c01d1a91c4884833e1c7cd2b8 |
transaction_hash | Transaction hash that this transfer belongs to. | 0x93db11a5bf8f67447ae4049d1e26626f11de203e208ae63b718b696f1c7f07c5 |
log_index | The log index that corresponds to this transfer. | 29 |
block_timestamp | The time when the block that contains this transaction was included on the blockchain. | 2023-04-15 11:47:09 |
block_number | The block number that the corresponding transaction of this transfer belongs to. | 28,776,777 |
block_hash | The block hash that the corresponding transaction of this transfer belongs to. | 0x77176aa2ece541b3ac40657de78abb24c2808840a457f20b7961c625c74f5019 |
unique_id | Unique id generated to each transfer. | txn-0x93db11a5bf8f67447ae4049d1e26626f11de203e208ae63b718b696f1c7f07c5_log_index-29_array_index-0 |
Last updated