
Blocks are ordered sets of Starknet transactions that are run using the Starknet OS, resulting in one aggregated state change that is then committed to the Starknet L1 core contract. A block has:

  • a block hash – a unique stable identifier that can be used to query and refer to the block.

  • a block number – an ordinal number representing the location of the block in the sequence of accepted blocks in Starknet. Note, a block’s number may change over time. Also, a given number may refer to different blocks at different points in time, e.g., in the event of L1 chain re-orders.

Table Columns

Column NameDescription


The unix timestamp for when the block was collated.


An ordinal number representing the location of the block in the sequence of accepted blocks in Starknet.


Unique identifier for that block.


Unique identifier of the block preceding this block, also known as the parent block.


The new global state root.


The StarkNet identity of the sequencer submitting this block.


The status of the block. Possible values: PENDING, ACCEPTED_ON_L2, ACCEPTED_ON_L1, REJECTED.


The price of l1 gas in the block.


Number of transactions included in this block.

Last updated