
The NFT mints tables contain all ERC721 and ERC1155 mints and their respective prices in one consolidated table. The current coverage includes mints from standard mints and protocol mints such as seadrop.

Minting Currency

NFT minting may involve MATIC, ERC20, or no currency. Free mints will be included by an empty currency address field and 0 value in price.

To identify native MATIC-specific minting volume, currency_address filters will need to be applied as shown in the example below.

Sample Query

Example: NFT Minting volume (MATIC) in the last 7 days

A total number of collections minted daily, total minters, and total MATIC volume minted.

  date(block_timestamp) as date,
  count(distinct token_address) as collections,
  count(distinct token_to_address) as total_minters,
  sum(price) as matic_mint_volume
from polygon.nfts.mints 
  where current_date - date(block_timestamp) < 7
  and currency_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' 
group by date

Table Columns

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