ERC20 Balances Latest
The current ERC20 balance of all addresses.
ERC20 balances latest contains the current ERC20 balances of all addresses. It is otherwise identical to ERC20 Balances.
Table Columns
Column Name | Description | Example |
address | Address of the account. | 0xeac4532bc9406f54ef932cdc975fb19524fe98b3 |
token_address | Addres of the token. | 0xa23cd4da2400b31bcf18e3a8f27578c706dbf902 |
token_name | Name of the token. | eDPX |
token_symbol | Symbol of the token. | eDPX |
raw_balance | Balance of ERC20 token unnormalized. | 4.49E+18 |
raw_balance_str | Balance of ERC20 token unnormalized in string. | 4.49143E+18 |
balance_str | Balance of ERC20 token in string. | 4.491434834 |
balance | Balance of ERC20 token. | 4.491434834 |
usd_balance_current | USD balance of ERC20 token at the current timestamp. | |
usd_balance_at_block_timestamp | USD balance of ERC20 token at the timestamp of the last activity that resulted in balance change. | |
usd_exchange_rate_current | USD exchange rate of ERC20 token at the current timestamp. | |
usd_exchange_rate_at_block_timestamp | USD exchange rate of ERC20 token at the timestamp of the last activity that resulted in balance update. | |
transaction_hash | The transaction hash that resulted in the balance update. | 0x13f783a179e3e2d01ad555d7e9353176ea40a0ada97583e9af8defe6c8d6a2d9 |
last_activity_block_timestamp | The last timestamp of the block that that resulted in the balance update. | 2022-12-28 21:18:16 |
last_activity_block_number | The last block number that resulted in the balance update. | 37,393,711 |
last_activity_block_hash | The last hash of the block that resulted in the balance update. | 0x70ce167879c5b16bbc5bc2eeeb42d8074bcfb42094fcb92c8c2ab738d1762f90 |
Last updated