Outputs in Bitcoin transactions specify the recipients and the amount of bitcoin being transferred. Each output creates a new unspent transaction output (UTXO), which can be used as an input in future transactions. Any leftover value can be sent to a change address or used for fees, ensuring precise fund allocation.
Sample Query
To select all outputs for a given user
Table Columns
This table is indexed on utxo_id, address0, block_number, block_timestamp, and transaction_hash. Please use one of thes columns when selecting for a specific row in the bitcoin.outputs table for faster queries.
Column Name | Description | Example |
transaction_hash | Unique hash of the transaction output. | 1c0c548ee49d051aebbaa42d25f6e6b87c670bdff09bf043a949121f04b8098f |
block_hash | Block hash of the transaction output. | 00000000000000000001efb1fa7dea83fa8621c369b4bd58c3ae01c43c30c9c5 |
block_number | Block number or block height of the transaction output. | 770,401 |
block_timestamp | Block timestamp of the transaction output. | 2023-01-05 00:54:14 |
index | The index of the output. | 0 |
script_asm | Symbolic representation of the bitcoin's script language op-codes | OP_HASH160 acb41dd71aa79315b97d0160a297b1ba976cc903 OP_EQUAL |
script_hex | Hexadecimal representation of the bitcoin's script language op-codes. | a914acb41dd71aa79315b97d0160a297b1ba976cc90387 |
required_signatures | Required signatures. | NULL |
type | The addres type of output. | scripthash |
addresses | parsed addresses used in the transaction (including multisig, pubkey info) ** note: do not query by searching on this column as it is not indexed, use address0 | 3HSBvFrBC7RFLyVohwhXQu4juAPomuY9XR |
value | Value in BTC unnormalized. | 1,538,115 |
utxo_id | Spent UTXO ID generated from transaction hash and index. | 1c0c548ee49d051aebbaa42d25f6e6b87c670bdff09bf043a949121f04b8098f:0 |
address0 | parsed address that the utxo belongs to | 3HSBvFrBC7RFLyVohwhXQu4juAPomuY9XR |
address | raw address output from rpc ** note: do not query by searching on this column as it is not indexed, use address0 | 3HSBvFrBC7RFLyVohwhXQu4juAPomuY9XR |
value_max_exclusive |
| 1,538,115 |
value_min_inclusive |
| 0 |
Last updated