Fungible Balances
The fungible balances table contains historical native token (e.g. ETH, MATIC, AVAX) and ERC20 tokens the balance of all addresses, at block height that has a balance change for the particularly address.
Sample Query
Query wallet Balance of a wallet by token address.
Table Columns
Column Name | Type | Description | Example |
address | varchar | Address of the account. | 0x52883b07aadb4a4df673f546d00065e2d923088f |
token_address | varchar | Token address. Native MATIC is represented as | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
raw_balance | numeric(512) | Unormalized token balance. | 216086875347586955 |
block_timestamp | timestamp | The timestamp of the block that that resulted in the | 2021-10-21T16:37:13 |
block_number | bigint | The number of the block that resulted in the | 20457707 |
block_hash | varchar | The hash of the block that resulted in the | 0xe15e08e23e180eb0b659ff42b421742ada56a74d2e9088043ef451747ae34c5a |
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