
You can use our data through Snowflake Data Share, our custom Rest API and APP

Allium provides a handful of alternatives to use our snowflake data. Check out the schemas available here. Our snowflake data freshness ranges from 15 minutes to 1.5h depending on the schema.

Data Share

We can set up Snowflake Data Sharing with your account so you can use our data in your own Snowflake Environment. With this integration, you'll be able to even join our data directly with our tables.

Other tools like DBT, Power BI, Looker, Metabase, and hex.tech can also be integrated natively with our data through data share.

Rest API

Learn more about our custom Rest API here. We autoscale our systems based on your query needs to support even thousands of queries running at the same time.

Allium App

The Allium App provides a web interface for querying all our Snowflake data. Learn more about it here.

Last updated