2024-05 Uniswap V2/V3 Events Migration

Key updates to the Uniswap V2 and V3 events table.

Key updates


This table will contain DEXs using Uniswap v3 DEXs, including Uniswap

Breaking changes

  1. amount0/amount1 for burn and collect events will be a positive value, unlike the legacy tables

  2. rename to_address -> recipient_address (note that this to_address is not transaction_to_address )

  3. remove pool_name field

Other improvements

  1. Include initialize events

  2. Fix amount precision for liquidity and token amounts

  3. Assign owner_address, sender_address and recipient_address the respective events

  4. Add fee_details and transaction_fees to reduce joins


This table will contain DEX events emitted from Uniswap V2 DEXs, including Uniswap, Sushiswap, etc.

Breaking changes

  1. rename to_address -> recipient_address (note that this to_address is not transaction_to_address )

  2. remove pool_name field

Other improvements

  1. Fix amount precision for liquidity and token amounts

  2. Assign owner_address, sender_address and recipient_address the respective events

  3. Add fee_details and transaction_fees to reduce joins

Last updated