Contract Events
The contract events table contains all contract deployment (trace type = create, create2) and destruction (trace type = suicide) events from internal transactions (traces).
This table contains both failed (error messaged and/or status = 1) and successful (status = 1 and no error message) events are included in this dataset.
Finding all successful contract deployment.
Table Columns
Column Name | Description | Example |
address | Contract address. | 0x88a442313b25b9262fbe3c23d203a047a86f0ac7 |
block_hash | The hash of the block that this contract was created in. | 0x1a112dcad48d39dce427b9ea972351ac9959edbf223079527511e08fa3a8597a |
block_number | The number of the block that this contract was created in. | 66767270 |
block_timestamp | The timestamp of the block that this contract was created in. | 2023-03-04 18:36:25+00:00 |
bytecode_creation | The bytecode data of this contract (Traces input). | 0x6080604052600b8054..... |
bytecode_runtime | The bytecode data of this contract (Traces output). | 0x608060405260043610..... |
deployer | Address of the contract deployer. | 0x3c6139d523c70c05667af86b2a38a3fed3c8a3d3 |
trace_type | Timestamp of the entry creation. | create |
status | Timestamp of the entry update. | 1 |
error | Human readable developer error message. Examples: "Out of gas", "Reverted", "Bad instruction", "Bad jump destination". | |
trace_id | Unique identifier for this trace. Generated by combining the trace_type, transaction_hash and trace_address. | create_0xbf33feabd90d6a4e7b48e4a04caa26f82b1900ef1cbe7ae580ed510cffc70f79_ |
subtraces | Number of children traces. | 3 |
trace_address | The address of the trace within the call graph. More detail to come soon. | |
transaction_hash | Unique identifier of the transaction that contains this trace. | 0xbf33feabd90d6a4e7b48e4a04caa26f82b1900ef1cbe7ae580ed510cffc70f79 |
transaction_index | The position of this transaction in the block that it belongs to. The first transaction has index 0. | 1 |
_updated_at | Timestamp of the entry creation. | 2023-12-19 13:54:50.361000+00:00 |
_created_at | Timestamp of the entry update. | 2023-12-19 13:54:50.361000+00:00 |
Last updated